viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

#bondia ha posat en marxa la campanya #bondia amb l'objectiu de millorar el tracte que rep el personal sanitari així com prevenir les agressions.
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domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

The UAPs. A new social amb medical reality.

In Spain, these days a new challenge emerge: The situation of its old people and how to handle with their wealfear specially how to pay it.

In Catalonia, in a decade time the stimated life-time has increase in ten years. The success of the health programmes in cancer detection, chronic illness and vaccination has contribute decesively to it.
So a new population has emerged: the UAPs (Ultra Age People), people that live more than their supossed mean life-time. A long lasting survivals  spite of their chronic illnesses, sex and habits.
This indubitable medical and social success has became a political and economical challenge that the goverments have to face.
Only a multidisciplinary scientifc approach can give the society the tools and solutions nedded for this new demographic problem.

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018


Ya ha visto la luz el manual de bolsillo de la sensibilidad central. El Dr Antoni Fernández Solà recoge toda la experiencia de las unidades médicas de SSC DOCTORTONI.CAT y la pone a disposición de quien precise informarse de estas enfermedades de una manera sencilla, clara y concisa. Se puede solicitar a través de la web


DOCTORTONI.CAT pone en marcha el proyecto SSC, BOSQUES Y SALUD. La utilización de la naturaleza para la mejora de la salud de los pacientes con síndrome de sensibilidad central.
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